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Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2018

Scanning Steps

Hello Good peopleeeeee Nice to see you again. At this time, I would like to explain how to get an important information or an information you want to find out. There are several technique. But, I just want to explain one technique, scanning.  Scanning, it means find out information quickly and accurate.Maybe, in some articles or books. But, this technique not used in all of books. For important letter or text book, I think you not have to used it because we have to read it more detail. Okayyyyy, I have three steps doing scanning well. So, you have to read it clearly and catch what is the point. First, Moving your eyes like an arrow slides down to find the information that has been set. So, rapid eyes movement is needed. Sometimes, there are students who move their head while they read it. And also, they usually recitate it. You have to avoid it bacause it can decrease your consentration in finding your information. So, please don't do it.  Second, after you have found it, re

About Me

Helloooo Guysssssssss Welcome to my blogggg. Now, I would like to tell you about something personally. Hope you enjoy it and thank youuuuu. :))))) Signal Words Was born In Medan In 2006, begin study at elementry school five years later, he has so many a lot of change because of his new school Graduated from junior high school in 2014  Went to seminary menengah christus sacerdos Continuing at Budi mulia  Indra Polma Sianturi, was born as a catholic in Medan, one of big city in Indonesia.He often called Indra. The first son of five children went to Gunung Rante elementry school at 2006. But, he moved to Kuala Penaso elementry school located in Riau province due to his parents have a new job.So, he continued at second grade. Five years later, in 2011, his parents send him to school in Pematangsiantar, Asisi Junior High school one city in North Sumatra, Indonesia. For the first time, he was so far from his parents and also first time living in dormitory. In 2014 on january,


Helllloooo Peopleeeeee Long time no see you readerss At this time, I would like to share paragraph which can increase your knowledge, especially for you who still in senior high school. Don't forget to leave some comment guyssssss Course You can take at College                     Nowadays, there are so many a lot of course provided in college. And we are free to choose what we want. That's the problem. The problem is that we're become confuse due to the kind of course is so many. But, all of it is still depend on you. Just choose what do you like or what do you want to be. Or if you like all of it, or you are a kind of people who can be anything, maybe you can ask suggestion to your parents and your best friend. Or if you don't know what you're gonna choose, I would like explain you two course. The first one is Medical Education.This course is for those of you who want to be a doctor. If you like it, you can choose it. Just for information, this co