Hellllloooo Peopleeeeee............. Do you miss me ? wkwkkk Absolutely, For this time, I would like to share about Reading Okayyyyy, here we go Do you enjoy reading a book ? Yes, I enjoy reading a book, especially novel. Because by reading novel, I can be entertained, maybe due to it's romantic story or sad story. And I dont't like enough to read a text book. What's is the last book you've read ? And do you like it ? The last book I've read is ''Summer In seoul'' written by Ilana Tan. And I really really like it. Because the story is very romantic. Usually, I can guess what's would be happened. But this time, it's out of my mind. And it's makes me like it more. The most important for me, that I can feel what Ilana Tan wants to say by it's novel. Do you usually read for leisure or for purpose ? I usually read it for leisure, moreover the book I usually read is novel. I need something which can entertain me and refresh my...